Here are the links of interest for the week of August 5, 2022: General Internet Copyright
Category: General
Join the Legal Sci-Fi and Fantasy Book Club
Today is the anniversary of the first airing of Doctor Who, one of my favorite shows. On this day I am launching a new book club for legal professionals of all sorts (not just lawyers, mind you) to read and discuss books of a Sci-Fi and/or Fantasy nature. As an initial selection, let’s read and…
Controlling Access to Data on Apple devices when Personal Safety is at Risk
Apple has posted a support document explaining just how to check the personal privacy settings on your Apple devices. As they say: If you’d like to revisit what you share with other people, or restore your device’s original settings for any reason, this guide can help you understand what information you are sharing via your…
Twitterview by @22twts
On Thursday, September 23, 2010 I was pleased to be interviewed by Lance Godard of @22twts. 22twts interviews practicing lawyers over Twitter. The transcript of the interview can be found here. Thanks again, Lance, for the opportunity.
Towel Day Tweetup – May 25, 2010
I’m not organizing it, per se, but I promised Ed (pictured below with his towel), to post information about the Tweetup/Blogger Meetup on Tuesday, May 25th, 2010. May 25th is Towel Day every year, in honor of Douglas Adams, so please bring your towels to: Aria Bar, at the Fairmont Chicago hotel 200 North Columbus…
Towel Day is May 25th, every year!
Legal bloggers, where are your towels? Last year on Towel Day, I hosted Blawg Review #213. This year, I’ll be participating in a blogger meetup for those attending the SuperConference here in Chicago. For details, see the post here, or follow me on Twitter – @cyberlaw. For more on other Towel Day activities, check out…
Blawgworld 2007
I’m happy that my Blog was included in the 2007 edition of Blawgworld, published by Technolawyer. Here’s a link to get your free copy. Be sure to check out the other wonderful legal blogs that are linked through from there.
Meet the Bloggers III – Monday April 30, 7:30 PM
John Welch and Marty Schwimmer have organized Meet the Bloggers III, which will be held on Monday, April 30th at 7:30 at the Billy Goat Tavern here in Chicago. More details can be found here at the TTABlog. I fully intend to attend, even if I may be a few minutes late.
Technology Voter Guide 2006 Released
In preparation for the November 7, 2006 elections, check out the Technology Voter Guide prepared by CNET The link leads to the analysis page, from which you can click on the map to see how your representatives in your state voted on technology issues. Then, you can click on each person’s name to see…
Cyberweek – September 25 to 29th
The Internet Bar Association and the Center for Information Technology and Dispute Resolution have joined together to sponsor the 2nd Annual Cyberweek. Be sure to check out the programs, discussions, podcasts, and other content available there.