About Me:
My name is Kevin A. Thompson, I am an intellectual property attorney in Chicago, Illinois. I am a partner with the Levin Ginsburg firm. I help clients in the areas of trademark, copyright, and internet issues. Here is a link to my bio on my firm’s website. I spend a lot of my time dealing with domestic and international trademark, privacy, domain name, internet law, and copyright issues.
The focus of this blog is the digital world, its impact and legal framework. I write about recent issues, cases, and controversies. I also give my general thoughts about the Internet and its impact upon us and our society. Internet law is my real love, especially how trademarks and copyrights intersect there.
To join my book club for legal professionals of all sorts to discuss Sci-Fi and Fantasy books, follow the link at https://bookclubz.com/clubs/5958204/join/a48ac1/.
To schedule a meeting with me, please visit https://zcal.co/kevinthompson.