I was pleased to be asked back on This Week in Law, Episode 136. Denise Howell, Jay Monahan of Zynga.com, and Matt Macari of The Verge were the other panelists. It was a lot of fun! Thanks again, Denise, for having me back.
Also, for those who may be interested, here is the link to the recent webinar I did for my firm on “Common Trademark Application Problems.”
And now, on to this week’s @cyberlaw links –
RIAA Lawyer Says DMCA May Need Overhaul
Greg Sandoval of CNET had an interesting article, focusing on a statement during a panel discussion by Jennifer Pariser that the DMCA needed an overhaul. She said:
“We might need to go to Congress at some point for a fix,” Pariser added. “Not because the statute was badly drafted but because the interpretation has been so hamstrung by court decisions.”
In a World of Cybertheft, U.S. Names China, Russia as Main Culprits
A report from the Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive named China and Russia as the main bad actors in the world of cyber-espionage.
“Chinese actors are the world’s most active and persistent perpetrators of economic espionage,” said the report, “Foreign Spies Stealing U.S. Economic Secrets in Cyberspace,” which was based on the work of 14 U.S. intelligence agencies. The report also notes that “Russia’s intelligence services are conducting a range of activities to collect economic information and technology from U.S. targets.”
The Digital Death of Copyright’s First Sale Doctrine
Annemarie Bridy’s article is on the First Sale Doctrine and the effect that the Supreme Court’s denial of cert in the Vernor v. Autodesk case had on the doctrine. I heartily encourage you to read it.
Did Chevy Steal This Commercial Idea From a Popular Blog?
It was nice to be quoted by Matt Silverman in this Mashable article discussing the extent of copyright protection in the underlying concept of a blog.
Why Parents Help Children Violate Facebook’s 13+ Rule
This study by Danah Boyd, Eszter Hargittai, Jason Schultz and John Palfrey looked at the real-life application of COPPA and parents who help their children skirt its requirements. It’s well worth reading.
S. 978 – What Justin Bieber Has To Do With Online Streaming Bill
I was quoted in this article from the Christian Science Monitor discussing Senate Bill 978, the Commercial Felony Streaming Act.