May 25, 2009 is Towel Day, so Blawg Review 213 will have a Towel Day theme! Towel Day is held every May 25th to celebrate the life of Douglas Adams, who wrote the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy series. Some of you may recall that my first Blawg Review #42 was in honor of Douglas Adams as well. To celebrate, carry your towel with you that day like any good galactic hitchhiker would.
So, legal bloggers and twitterers, I need your pictures of you with your towels! I’ll post them with a link back to your blogs, etc. Send them to G or PG only, please! Remember, *with* towel…
May 25th is also Memorial Day in the United States, a day in which many people relax with family and friends, sometimes with a beverage. Hitchhiker fans know the ultimate drink in the universe is the Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster, a drink described as “like having your brains smashed out by a slice of lemon, wrapped ’round a large gold brick.” Earth equivalents exist, here is a link to the Wikibook Bartending guide explaining the several different recipes available to make your own.