I’ll be the speaker on October 24th at 12:15 PM at the Chicago Bar Association’s Computer Law Committee. My topic is an objective look at Network Neutrality, looking at the competing proposals still pending before Congress to legislate the Internet one way or the other. I’ll also give a short overview of just how some of the Internet protocols work, since I won’t presume that everyone knows how they work. It should be fun, I was happy to say yes since this is the committee I used to be the chair of from 2001-2002. For more information on the CBA, including directions if you need them, visit http://www.chicagobar.org.
Sorry for not posting much here lately. Work has been keeping me very busy, which is a good thing but I just haven’t been able to justify posting here when I had clients waiting. Hopefully things will remain on the current upward trend so I can devote more time here.