I am one of a panel of speakers on July 27, 2006 at an afternoon seminar entitled “IP Law and the Internet” sponsored by the Intellectual Property Law Association of Chicago (“IPLAC”) Internet Law Committee, and Northwestern Law School.
The event will be held at Nortwestern University, and will feature a keynote address by the USPTO’s Commissioner for Patents, John Doll. Other speakers will include Professor Clint Francis from Northwestern University School of Law and Professor Douglas Lichtman from the University of Chicago School of Law. There will be panels of practitioners (like me!) on topics such as patent, trademark and copyright law developments relating to the Internet.
Here is a flyer for the seminar with instructions about how to register. The cost is $15 for IPLAC members and students, $25 for non-members.
I hope to see people there!
UPDATED 7/26/06 TO ADD: The seminar has been cancelled, and will be rescheduled for the fall. I hope shortly to post materials I had prepared for my talk on trademark issues as they relate to the Internet.